Books, endless of the best sales books; almost as many as there are sales gurus and sales seminars, conferences, and incessant emails! However, what that means is that there is a great cry for understanding and a great need for help! This series is one method of helping you succeed in real estate sales.
In a way I have always been in the sales business. I would fancy myself a teacher by nature, but obviously not a great one because here I am in real estate! Teaching is in some way selling ideas and helping someone do better with them. I had my own home repair and remodeling business and I had to sell myself and my work experience to provide well for my family. Later, I went into professional sales in the technology sector and did well, but to do that I had to understand the market dynamics and the products. I worked ‘inside sales’ and later ‘outside sales’ and I loved them both. I moved into real estate sales and I love it the best- but it is the hardest work I have ever done, but so rewarding in many ways.
I learn best by doing because then my whole person is involved in learning. Doing, in turn, leads to analyzing, and then to perceiving if there is a better way to get the job done. I am certain I drove my inside sales manager crazy but I learned much, did well, and then had to leave to do things a better way. My hope is to help you do sales a better way. It begins with understanding and analyzing and then taking action yourself. I hope my way will help you, that you will then understand your success, and then do it all a better way than I did!
[blockquote align=”right”]There is plenty of room in our industry for really good sales people to do well.[/blockquote]
I love to interview new agents and I am always eager and optimistic about helping them become successful. There is plenty of room in our industry for really good sales people to do well and for some to excel; I never worry about more competition. There is room in our industry for many kinds of sales people in several functions so do not let me discourage you from being you and finding success your way. I hope that these articles will provoke questions, objections, and dialogue- that is the best way to learn and I welcome the interaction in person or in writing.
I am giving you the best information I know. Sometimes I am hard-hitting and relentless because it comes out of my fundamental convictions. I never want to intimidate, and certainly not to scare someone off, but if I can save some people from spending money in vain, or wasting their time, I am happy to do so. Mostly, I am happy to give everything I have to help you accomplish your goals and do well in this wonderful service industry.
Some agents come to us from other offices where they believe they were misled, the promises were empty, and they were left on their own. They come with some knowledge and experience. Our brokers at Bella Casa and I are happy to help- we all needed a hand-up to get to where we are today.
At Bella Casa Real Estate Group we enjoy a culture of cooperation, sharing our experience, and helping each other. The group offers a multifaceted spectrum of support and wisdom which is priceless.
For the new agents, we cannot forget what it was like for us when we got licensed and had not even seen a sales contract nor knew where to find one! Much of what I write here is what you will grow into. Do not let it overwhelm you.
Because we are colleagues, you have liberty to take anything that is helpful and reject anything that does not fit you. I only ask that if you are wrestling over my dogma, or think I am too discouraging, or if I make you angry or even discouraged, then let’s talk about it. It is challenging to reduce complex training to simple articles but further discussion can clarify and could be good for both of us. Please go at this with an open mind.
Finally, where you end up and what you end up doing in our industry is yet to be seen. You are best served if you end up independent and autonomous and fit where it is best for you. Some may not be entrepreneurs who are going to start a new brokerage or build large teams. Some may want to play a specialty role on a team. Many of you will end up in one of myriad of specialties in real estate and you get to choose, after you learn by doing.
Randy McCreith, Principal Broker Bella Casa Real Estate Group Direct: 503-310-9147 randy@thebellacasagroup.com