Buyers Have the Right to Expect:
Housing in your price range made available to you without discrimination
Equal professional service
The opportunity to consider a broad range of housing choices
No discriminatory limitation on certain communities or locations of housing
No discrimination in the financing, appraising or insuring of housing
Reasonable accommodations in rules, practices and procedures for persons with disabilities
Non-discriminatory terms and conditions for the sale, rental, financing, or insuring of a dwelling
To be free from harassment or intimidation for exercising your fair housing rights
The following are Prohibited in the Sale or Rental of Housing:
Refuse to rent or sell housing
Refuse to negotiate for housing
Make housing unavailable
Deny a dwelling
Set different terms, conditions or privileges for sale or rental of a dwelling
Provide different housing services or facilities
Falsely deny that housing is available for inspection, sale, or rental
For profit, persuade owners to sell or rent (blockbusting) or
Deny anyone access to or membership in a facility or service (such as a multiple listing service) related to the sale or rental of housing.
The following are Prohibited in Mortgage Lending:
No one may take any of the following actions based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status or handicap (disability):
Refuse to make a mortgage loan
Refuse to provide information regarding loans
Impose different terms or conditions on a loan, such as different interest rates, points, or fees
Discriminate in appraising property
Refuse to purchase a loan or
Set different terms or conditions for purchasing a loan
In Addition, it is illegal for anyone to: threaten, coerce, intimidate or interfere with anyone exercising a fair housing right or assisting others who exercise that right.
How Bella Casa Realtors® Uphold the Fair Housing Act
Bella Casa Realtors® are members of the National Association of Realtors®, which requires that “Realtors® shall not deny equal professional services to any person for reasons of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin” (Code of Ethics, Article 10). We pledge to conduct business in keeping with the spirit and letter of the Code of Ethics as well as the Fair Housing Act.
Published on: Nov 28, 2012