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How to get Rid of Flies

Any insect infestation is frustrating and unpleasant but flies have their own particular brand of annoying. They’re noisy with all that buzzing and they seem to invite their friends over to the party. In short, not fun to have around! Use the cleaning tips below to help detract flies from hanging out around your house.

Perhaps the easiest way to prevent flies from coming to visit you in the first place is to keep food put away and the kitchen trash can closed. Flies love garbage! You can use biodegradable garbage bags (click here to know about biodegradable garbage bags on to keep away flies from the kitchen trash box. With these bags, you may be able to dispose of your garbage more easily and contribute to environmental protection. A little Borax in the bottom of a cleaned and dried trash can will act as an additional repellant.

Two other great fly repellants are citrus and cloves. If you want to create a delicious aroma in your house while purging it of flies, you can take an orange and push whole cloves into the rind, making your house smell like Christmas! You may want to wear gloves as the cloves are sharp. You can also simply scratch the rind of an orange and leave it out by itself or place a bunch of whole cloves near the problem area.

Having a mint and basil mini-garden on your windowsill is an additional way to repel your buzzing friends. Keep them watered well to produce a stronger aroma. If you don’t want to clutter your windowsill, you can crush some dried basil and mint leaves and put them in a small bag near the trouble area. Additionally, you could also have installations similar to FlyScreen Doors Melbourne at your home, so that you leave no way for pesky flies to enter your home!

Fly paper may not be very attractive but it is effective. And always keep a fly swatter in the kitchen or pantry to get those rogue flies that slip through the cracks.

Article Source: Home Staging Channel

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