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Should I Call the Listing Agent When I Want to View a Property?

By Randy McCreith, Principal Broker Bella Casa Real Estate Group

It has become increasingly common for buyers to call the listing agent and ask to see the property. If the property is right, then the listing agent is asked to write the offer. Is this legal? Is it wise?Oregon allows for dual representation (a single agent representing both the seller and the buyer) if there is full disclosure. In real estate, the client wants to buy and the seller wants to sell. A broker is trying to bring both parties together for the proverbial “win-win.”

Dual representation IS legal, but is it wise to use the listing agent? Even with dual agency representation, we think the buyer is at some disadvantage. Where is the primary allegiance of the listing agent? Isn’t it with the seller, with whom there is a longer-term and contractual relationship? And does the listing broker want you to consider other properties? Certainly not until you decide against this one! The listing agent is ethically required to represent the best interests of the seller and not interfere with your possible desire to purchase the seller’s property. In other words, you will not get any help from the listing agent until you decide not to buy that property. And then what? That listing broker will to help you buy any property AND WORK WITH YOU LIKE A BUYER’S AGENT! So you only begin to receive service and representation in your best-interest once you decide not to buy that particular property.

The needs and services for a seller are radically different than those necessary for buyers. We have seen too many cases where a seller’s agent ends up compromising the services a buyer needs. For example, a buyer’s agent is on-call virtually around the clock and takes their personal downtime when demands are light. But the most common times an agent is needed are on weekends, evenings, and for several days in a row – all day- when clients travel from out of town.  In times like these, who takes care of all the selling agent responsibilities to meet advertising deadlines, set up showings and follow-up? If seller’s agents are serving a seller well, when can they drop everything at a moment’s notice and work with a buyer 8 hours a day for 3 days?

If you choose a Bella Casa agent, then you work throughout the entire buying process with someone who has no other interest than what is best for you and what best matches your interests. No conflict of interest no matter how insignificant that conflict might be.

Bella Casa Real Estate Group fosters a corporate culture of sharing. We all give and we all receive; we are all the richer for it and our clients enjoy the best service available. For the really tough or unique challenges we have an enviable depth of experience and industry memory. Bella Casa Real Estate Group employs a model of multiple Principal Brokers for supervision, assistance, and problem solving. We also enjoy a healthy ratio of the most experienced and respected brokers in the area.

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