The Selling Process | From Start to Sold in 11 StepsIf you are considering selling your home and want to know what happens from start to finish, this article will certainly prove helpful....
The Selling Process[dropcap character=”S” color=”blue”] Step 1 of The Selling Process: Contact us for a complimentary market analysis. A market analysis...
Determining Property ValueIs the home ‘dated’ or ‘updated’ with things like new windows from a website like this one? It is a sad reality that a state-of-the-art...
Top 5 Realtor® ResponsibilitiesHere are our top 5 Realtor responsibilities for getting your property sold: [accordion_group] [accordion title=”Price Your Property...
Pricing to SellCompetitively pricing your home is key for a quick sale. [dropcap character=”I” color=”green”]In real estate we have a large tool box of...
Relocating to OregonSelecting & Researching Your Destination Your relocation process begins with a destination in mind. Maybe you are moving for family or...
Why Won’t My Property Sell?[dropcap character=”M” color=”red”]More than ?ve years of a housing depression have taught us to adjust, adapt, and learn new dynamics of...
The Challenge of Closing“Closing” transfers the title of the property from the seller to the buyer. The buyer receives the keys and the seller receives payment...